The 11 Best Hacks for Web Developers: The cheatsheet

Do you want to become an expert php developer website ?

It is not easy, but with practice and dedication, you can get there. This cheatsheet will show the 11 best tricks for php developers who are looking to gain more knowledge in their field. The tips range from programming basics like php functions to website design tricks that will make your site run faster. No matter what type of php developer you are, this article has something for you!

11 php developer website tricks:

- Find php functions with ease by using the php function reference.

- Get to know your php code like never before because debugging will make you a better php developer.

- Make use of tools that help determine what is slowing down your site, such as YSlow for firefox.

- Use browser caching techniques on static resources (CSS & JS) to cut out unnecessary requests and speed up your page load time! One easy way to do this is through .htaccess files which allow you access to headers sent from servers. If these are set properly, they can tell browsers how long they should cache resources for during initial visits or subsequent ones so don forget about them!

What is a browser catching technique?

How do I access .htaccess files? Is there an example on how to use them properly for caching static resources (CSS & JS)? How can they be used in conjunction with browser caching techniques on CSS & JS files? What are the headers being sent from servers that browsers typically pay attention to during initial visits or subsequent ones if these are set properly through .htaccess file usage? Who would benefit most from using this method of saving time and effort by making efficient use of available server configuration options, such as those found within htaccess files which allow users access.

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