Regarding the typing for example, it is totally dynamic on one as to the other without having to declare variables. class management of Ruby is the same as PHP. Most of the variables begin with $ although they are not numerous. PHP as Ruby, eval is available and demands attention whether at the level of security or performance. PHP as Ruby, interpolation in strings is in the form "# {foo} is a # {bar}" and not "$ foo is a $ bar. Only chains with double quotes can then benefit. the heredocs are available in both languages as exceptions for error handling and the standard library provided. Basically, arrays and hashes are also similar with a respective form {...} instead of array (). Null changes to nil against with true and false are the same on both php programming languages.
In terms of usability, everything can be done in Ruby in PHP. Side frameworks, PHP ahead of Ruby widely with a legion. Ruby, however, one ahead of PHP when it comes to gems and remains the leader in tools. Regarding the local development environment and accommodation is PHP wins. Anyway, whether you choose one or the other, you will still get a dynamic website for your needs.